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Robes of Righteousness

Hello Beauties!  

Thanks for checking in on the blog. I have struggled for a few days with this one but feel that it may be a question that many of you have. I’ve been asked it many times over the years and have come to the conclusion that it is better to just say what I believe. 

The question is asked in a few different ways but boils down to, “Why do you think fashion is important enough to teach about? And do you think it’s important to God?” 

First, let me share how I believed for a long time that focusing on fashion was not just a waste of time, but a sin. I didn’t wear makeup, didn’t spend much on clothes and the most attention I paid to my “look” was I shaved my legs! There’s nothing really wrong with that. If that’s what you want to do, then that’s fine. But for me, it was done for the wrong reasons. It was because that’s what somebody told me to do. Not, what God told me and not because I wanted to do it. I struggled with wanting to look nicer, wanting to be seen. Not in a prideful “It’s all about me!” way, but just a desire to be known. I believe that God, when He created men and women in His image, placed that desire for relationship in us.

For me, Fashion has been a journey of finding myself, my calling to share what God has done for me and His grace in my life. That’s why it’s important!  

Studies show that people make a judgement about you in the first three seconds they see you. Not meet you, not hear you speak, but see you!

Your “look” is the only thing they know about you, but they decide if you are approachable, friendly, mean, kind, funny or smart based on what they see. I’ve tested this theory myself! Not by wearing different outfits and asking people what they thought when they met me. That’s too easy!

No, I make a practice of doing a “gut check” when I see someone I don’t know. I practice looking at what my first reaction is and then seeing if that’s what Jesus might see. I am sorry to say that I am the worst of sinners! All too often I found that I looked on the outside when Jesus would have me look at the heart like He does. That is the downside of fashion sense. This is not to say that I critique everyone I see. That would be easier to explain than the fact that I might see someone on the side of the road and make a judgement about their condition. I might see someone who looks angry and not see the hurt or fear. I am learning to check with God and the Holy Spirit before I react. But, it’s harder to do that than to just turn the other way.

How many times do I miss God’s best because I’m afraid? I want what God wants for me, not to settle for less than that.  

In defense of the job I do and how it works in my life I want to say. Knowing that we make those judgements can help us to become more approachable to people who need Jesus! My goal is to always make Him the focus. So, when I dress for the day, there are only a few things that are really important. 

I remember that I want people to look at my face and see the fruit of the Spirit! Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Galatians 5:22. That means my best accessory is a smile that shows people they are important. That smile, and eyes to see and ears to hear! 

Dressing with dignity, means cover up what needs to be covered! Don’t put temptation into anyone’s path! Not just in a physical way, but in a way that people might covet. Be God’s precious daughter! 

Embrace the truth that God loves you and you are worthy of respect, not because of who you are but because of what He did for you when He died and rose again. Live in the freedom of His Grace and Salvation. Share that truth with people you meet. 

If people are going to make a snap judgement about whether I am worth meeting and knowing, then I am for sure going to dress the part!

I have a story to tell and it’s about how Jesus has changed my life! If a little extra thought goes into that in the morning so that even one more person is open to listen, that’s why fashion is important.  For me, it has been used to broaden my scope of influence. It has given me confidence in how my changed heart can be shared with others. Fashion opens doors and gives me a chance to share God’s love with people who might not listen if I didn’t care enough to present myself well. It doesn’t have to cost a lot. It’s not the amount of money you spend. It’s knowing that God cares for each of us. There are many examples of God dressing people to befit their station. We will wear robes of righteousness in Heaven! I truly believe that God loves beauty and calls us to walk through life as His chosen bride. Brides take care to present themselves well to their Groom and make special effort to look their best. We as the church are the Bride of Christ. There is no shame in letting the world know that we are beautiful! 

Have your own story of how Fashion has been used in your life? I'd love to hear it! Leave a comment below.

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