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The Key to a Productive Joyful Life: Balance

Welcome to the very first “Fun” Blog! 

If you’re new to the site, I post blogs every Tuesday! All my ideas come from my four standby words, Fashion, Faith, Fun and Food. On months where there are five Tuesdays, you get a bonus blog with another word! (Family, Freedom, Forgiveness…) So, this being the third Tuesday in June 2024, it’s all about finding balance every day. Don’t forget the fun! Here we go… 

Are you someone who looks for fun in anything you do? Make a game out of everyday chores? Competition to see who gets done first? Or are you the person who draws a line between “work” and “Fun”? There’s no judgement here! Just wanting you to look at yourself and think about it. Different personalities approach life from different angles. My mom was always one who wanted all the work done before fun began. My dad on the other hand approached chores as an adventure and challenge where fun could be had. Neither approach was wrong or right, just different. The challenge came when the work never left time for fun, or the fun began and work wasn’t completed.

The fact is that life is complicated and full of things that seem terribly important. If we focus too much on the “must get it done” and never get the time to play or relax, we lose joy. If we habitually neglect the things that need doing to play, we ultimately lose joy because irresponsibility ultimately leads to destruction. The key to a productive, joyful life is BALANCE! 

Find time to be productive but also realize that we need to rest and play.  

Soloman, the wisest King of Israel wrote in Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 that there is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens… Take time to find your balance today. Work, play with and love on the people God puts in your life. Remember that the stuff is not the most important thing, the people are! If you have the chance to play with a child, do it! Find some joy in every day!  

Smile! Laugh! Be silly! Try something new and embrace the adventure!  

Always ready for Fashion, Faith, Fun and Food!

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